Support for high-speed external memory, including DDR and DDR2 SDRAM, RLDRAM II, QDR II SRAM, and SDR SDRAM Support for multiple intellectual property megafunctions from ® Altera MegaCore functions and Altera Megafunction Partners SM Program (AMPP ) megafunctions Support for design security using configuration bitstream. Altera Corporation May 2007 ® II FPGA family is based on a 1.2-V, 90-nm, all-layer copper 15,600 to 179,400 equivalent LEs see New and innovative adaptive logic module (ALM), the basic building block of the Stratix II architecture, maximizes performance. Stratix II Device Family Data Sheet Section I–2 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation.
Stratix II Device Family Data Sheet Chapter 1, Introduction Chapter 2, Stratix II Architecture Chapter 3, Configuration &. For information on when each chapter was updated, refer to the Chapter Revision Dates section, which appears in the full handbook.
Revision History Refer to each chapter for its own specific revision history.